Why does My Laptop Restart automatically?

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Why does My Laptop Restart automatically?

Post by James-Molly »

My laptop has been restarting automatically for the past two weeks. It does not give any warning. It shows Windows is rebooting to prevent some critical issues and reboots.

Is it a Windows problem or a hardware complaint?
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My Dell Laptop Hangs and Restarting automatically

Post by Tammy »

I also suffer from the same problem that results in at a time many application errors like 0xc0000142 error, many types of exe errors resulting in web pages unresponsive and black screen freezing and aw snap, out of memory issue in web pages.........please help me with a solution of it.

I have a Dell laptop.
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Why does Microsoft Office keep restarting my computer?

Post by siva »

My system restarts when I open Microsoft Office, and sometimes it reboots when I run Corel Draw.

Even if I open many windows of Firefox, it restarts. Kindly tell me if you have a solution to this.

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Re: Why does My Laptop Restart automatically?

Post by Bekal »

One of my computer is restarting again and again when I start it. Whenever I start doing work, the computer restarts automatically without any warning. What shall I do? Please suggest me.
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Installing an Antivirus Makes PC Restarts Automatically

Post by Thomas »

Hello sir,

My PC automatically restarts when I start it. My AVG antivirus shows some viruses, and I removed them. Still, the PC reboots automatically.

So, I uninstalled this AVG s/w and installed Norton Antivirus Plus. But my PC shows the same problem again. I uninstalled Norton Antivirus Plus and installed Kaspersky Antivirus.

But, when I install this AntiVirus s/w( under running status) my PC restarts again and again. Seems, that if I install an antivirus, my PC restarts without a warning.
What to do?
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Overheat Causes the Laptops to Reboot Automatically

Post by siva »

If your laptop reboots automatically, check for overheating issues.
Alex George
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Fix the Computer Randomly Restarting Issue

Post by Alex George »

A laptop will restart automatically due to multiple reasons. The common reasons are overheating and overloading. A laptop will freeze and shut down or reboot if it works 100% of its computing power. The same goes for overheating.

The real solution is to avoid the chances of overheating. However, a quick solution is there. Turn off the Windows Automatic Restart feature. Let me write down the steps below.

How to Disable Automatic Restart in Windows?
  1. Press the Windows and S keys to start Search and type Control panel.
  2. Open the Control Panel and open the System.
  3. Click on Advanced System Settings.
  4. Click on the Advanced tab.
  5. Click on the Settings button under Startup and Recovery.
  6. Uncheck the Automatic Restart option.
  7. Click the OK button to save the changes.
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Added Extra RAM Module and Laptop Restart automatically

Post by Thomas »

I went to the laptop service center and they told the reason was faulty RAM module. I changed the RAM module and now the laptop is not restarting automatically.
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