WhatsApp Backup Process Takes Too Much Time

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WhatsApp Backup Process Takes Too Much Time

Post by Xavior »

Yesterday one of our readers sent me an email with a complaint. He said he was trying to back up his WhatsApp chat, but it took too much time.

Today's post is an answer to his complaint. His email didn't tell whether he has WhatsApp on an iOS or Android Phone. So, I give general advice to everyone who faces the same issue.

Importance of Backing up WhatsApp Chat
Let us check why you need to back up your WhatsApp chat. In today's world, WhatsApp is an essential communication platform.

Though we register WhatsApp with our mobile phone number, the chances of changing the handset are high.

When you install and register WhatsApp on a new device, your old phone will no longer have access.

Another problem is losing your phone.

You cannot recollect old important WhatsApp communication or documents if you lose your old phone unless you backup.
So, we recommend you back up your WhatsApp chat at a reasonable interval.
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Re: WhatsApp Backup Process Takes Too Much Time

Post by Xavior »

Where Do You Backup WhatsApp Chat?
To answer our reader's issue, we must understand where WhatsApp backup its old chat.

If you have iPhone, WhatsApp will back up the chat to iCloud. WhatsApp will back up to Google Drive if you have an android phone.
So, an active Internet connection is a must if you back up WhatsApp chat to Google Drive or iCloud.

This part explains why his backup process was slow.

Why Does WhatsApp BackUp Process be Slow?
Let us check the possible reasons that can delay the completion of the WhatsApp Chat Backup process.

Anyone of the reasons below can make your WhatsApp backup stuck on your phone.
Check for the following points if your WhatsApp Chat backup process gets stuck.

  1. Unstable or Slower Internet Connection.
  2. Too many large files to upload to the cloud.
  3. Less available space on your cloud storage.
  4. Issues with your phone.
Follow the steps when WhatsApp is stuck or freezing while backing up chat.
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Re: WhatsApp Backup Process Takes Too Much Time

Post by Xavior »

Troubleshooting a Slower WhatsApp Backup

So, you are experiencing a slower WhatsApp chat backup on your device. Let us check for the reason and troubleshoot the problem.

  1. Confirm Your Internet Speed

    The first step is first. Verify whether your Internet connection is fast enough to back up your WhatsApp data.

    SysToSys recommends a broadband connection while uploading files from your mobile device to iCloud or Google Drive.

    Switch from mobile data service to a fast WiFi network. A slower internet connection will fail WhatsApp data backup.
  2. Delete unwanted Video Files

    Heavy files will take a lot of time to upload to cloud storage.

    SysToSys recommends deleting unwanted WhatsApp video files before uploading.

    Go to Manage-Storage and delete all unnecessary video files before you back up WhatsApp data. I will show you how to do it.
    1. Open WhatsApp and Click the three vertical dots at the top.

    2. Go to the Settings.

    3. Tap on Storage and Data.

    4. Tap on Manage Storage.

    5. You can see the media files saved on WhatsApp.


      Check them and delete unnecessary video files to reduce the backup size.
    Reduce the backup size. So, you can increase the speed of the WhatsApp data backup process.
  3. Check the Available Space on Your Cloud Storage

    One of the reasons for a failure in WhatsApp data backup is the less space on the cloud storage.

    If you do not have enough cloud storage space, reduce the WhatsApp data size or change the cloud account.
    You can change the cloud storage account from the WhatsApp settings.
    1. Go to the WhatsApp Settings window.
    2. Click on Chats.
    3. Click on Chat backup.

      Here you can change your cloud storage account.
  4. Troubleshoot Your Phone For a Slow WhatsApp Backup Process

    If none of the above speeds up WhatsApp data uploading, we should check your mobile phone.

    In my experience, a phone reboot will fix many software issues. I recommend you restart your phone and try to initiate WhatsApp data backup again.
  5. Upgrade WhatsApp

    If none of the above steps speeds up WhatsApp backup, check whether your phone has the latest WhatsApp version.

    If not, upgrade to the latest WhatsApp version.
So this post I dedicate to our reader who sent me the email mentioning the WhatsApp backup problem.

I hope you read this post and like to know if it helps you fix the issue.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2023, 17:45

WhatsApp Backup Process is Slow

Post by Babita »

Do not backup the video files. It will speed up the WhatsApp backup process.
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