Google Chat Is Taking Too Much Time to Load on Desktop PC

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Google Chat Is Taking Too Much Time to Load on Desktop PC

Post by Yashika »

I have been facing a problem with loading Gmail on my Desktop PC as long as the Google Chat is enabled. It is taking too much time and bandwidth to load the desktop version of Google Chat (or GChat) on Windows PC. I checked with my windows laptop, the same result.

What do you think about?
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Gmail version of Google Chat is Consuming too much bandwidth and slow

Post by Xavior »

I also faced the same problem Yashika mentioned. I had to continue the Gchat discussion with my friend over my laptop when my phone battery dried up.

It took a while to load the long Google Chat conversation over the desktop version of Gmail chat. The Internet was fine, and all other regular reasons for a slower connection were absent.

The problem was with Gmail and the Gmail-integrated Google Chat.

I believe their Google chat code (in Gmail) has some bugs. Otherwise, a simple text chat platform does not need to take too much bandwidth.

I do not know what Alex has to say about it. :cry:
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The Desktop Version Of Google Chat is Lagging

Post by Yashika »

I turned off Google Chat and Meet from Gmail. Now, it is loading fast on my desktop PC. Why does Google allow such a simple chat application so sluggish?

It is a simple text chat application. I do not understand why it needs so much bandwidth.
Rahul Agarwal
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Re: Google Chat Is Taking Too Much Time to Load on Desktop PC

Post by Rahul Agarwal »

Guys, Gchat is still slow in desktop PCs, infact it wastes a lot of data. Any tip to speeed up the loading if Gchat in desktop computers?
Stephy Johnson
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Re: Google Chat Is Taking Too Much Time to Load on Desktop PC

Post by Stephy Johnson »

Rahul Agarwal wrote: Guys, Gchat is still slow in desktop PCs, infact it wastes a lot of data. Any tip to speeed up the loading if Gchat in desktop computers?
Avoid Google Chat on desktop computers. It is wasting a lot of bandwidth.
Reshmi R Menon
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Re: Google Chat Is Taking Too Much Time to Load on Desktop PC

Post by Reshmi R Menon »

It depends on the Internet Speed. Have you checked your actual Internet Speed?
Sanal Mohan
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Re: Google Chat Is Taking Too Much Time to Load on Desktop PC

Post by Sanal Mohan »

Reshmi R Menon wrote: It depends on the Internet Speed. Have you checked your actual Internet Speed?
I don't agree with you Reshmi R Menon. I saw a non stop busy mode while opening gmail on my desktop PC. It was waiting for Gchat to load and the irony is, I was using a high speed broadband. It has nothing to do with the Internet speed.
Krishna Priya
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Re: Google Chat Is Taking Too Much Time to Load on Desktop PC

Post by Krishna Priya »

I too see a slower google chat on my laptop compared to the google chat app on my phone. So, I agree with Yashika's view.
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