Gmail Is Forcing Me to Verify The Recovery Phone Number Every Time Before Login

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Gmail Is Forcing Me to Verify The Recovery Phone Number Every Time Before Login

Post by Yashika »

Recently, I have been facing a problem logging into my Gmail account. Every time Gmail asks me to verify the mobile number to sign in. I tried different methods, like the alternate email ID or just typing the mobile number, but failed.

Gmail is so adamant that it wants to send an SMS with an OTP. I can only sign in after typing the OTP.

My question to this community is, am I alone, or is anyone else facing this issue?
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Gmail is Forcing Me to Verify My Recovery Number every time before Login

Post by sam »

You are not alone. Gmail asks me to type the OTP sent to my recovery phone number to complete the login.

Gmail is not allowing me to verify the ownership of my email account by other methods like recovery email address. I am fed up with this new Gmail rule. Is there any solution to permanently convince Google that it is me, not anyone else, who is signing in?
Alex George
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How to Stop Gmail From Asking Me to Verify the Recovery Phone Number?

Post by Alex George »

Gmail periodically asks everyone to verify the recovery mobile phone number by typing the secret code sent. It is their protocol to safeguard the email accounts.

Gmail always prompts me to verify the recovery phone number after every Windows and Browser update. Gmail will message me like you are signing in from a system we do not recognize.

The only solution to avoid it is to remove the recovery phone number from the Google account. Then, Gmail will send the OTP to the recovery email address. I think it is the only practical solution to your trouble.
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Re: Gmail Is Forcing Me to Verify The Recovery Phone Number Every Time Before Login

Post by Thomas »

Google always ask me to verify the mobile number connected with the Gmail account if I access Gmail from a different computer. It will be a trouble if you do not have that number with you.
Anand Ramaswami
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Re: Gmail Is Forcing Me to Verify The Recovery Phone Number Every Time Before Login

Post by Anand Ramaswami »

This week, I had to verify the Google mail recovery phone number four times. Seems it is a bug.
Hardik Sejpal
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Re: Gmail Is Forcing Me to Verify The Recovery Phone Number Every Time Before Login

Post by Hardik Sejpal »

I had the same problem. I deleted my phone number (recovery number) as Alex instructed. Now, no more trouble, I can login without this phone number verification mess. Thank you Alex for this solution.
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